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In aromatherapy, eucalyptus is renowned to promote activity, vitality and energy for improving mental focus and alertness.

This oil has a fresh, crisp scent to help clear airways, ease congestion and alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions like colds, coughs, and sinusitis.


Air freshener: Add a few drops to a diffuser or mix with water in a spray bottle and use it as an air freshener

Anywhere: Combine 4 drops with a carrier oil inside a 10ml roller bottle, and inhale or apply it to your wrists to promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways

Natural Disinfectant: Add a few drops in a spray bottle for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces naturally

Caution: The product should not be taken internally. It is usually only used on adults and must be kept away from children and pets. If pregnant or breastfeeding please ask your doctor before use.

Additional information for the oil:

Latin Name of Herb for the Essential Oil

Latin Name

Eucalyptus Globulus

Part of the plant used for essential oil

Part Of Plant Used

Leaves & twigs

Extraction method of the essential oil

Extraction Method

Steam Distillation

Aroma of the essential oil


Camphorous and Woody


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